Born December 17th in Tokyo, Japan. Grew up in Yonkers, New York, from 1982 to 1996.

Accepted into Tama Art University's MFA program in Information Design. Continued as full-time student throughout music career.

Paintings, “SAIBOU,” “SUPER STAR” and “ELECTRIC FLOWER” selected for display at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.

Winner of the now legendary Asayan music auditions reality TV series. Established hip hop sister duo, "Heartsdales". Debut single, "So Tell Me," lands 6th place on Japan’s Oricon charts. Designed CD artworks, promotional goods, stage props, and supervised overall production.

Created original character, "Bubbledale," and published weekly mobile phone internet comic strips for 2 years, for DoCoMo, au, and Vodafone.

Created the picture book, "I'm Happy,” as Tama Art University’s graduation project.

Final Heartsdales concert on September 2nd. In the 5 year career, recorded 13 singles, 4 albums, 3 remix albums, and 1 best album.

Returned to New York, and created STUDIO YUMI.
Start of the Studio Yumi Blog.

Chopsticks NY advertisement illustration.

10/4 - 11/30 Soho Facial Index Gallery, New York City.
Launching of the iPhone "Yum" application series.
iPhone application, "Yum Memory".
iPhone application, "Yum Phone".
iPhone application, "Yum Balloon".

3/4 - 3/16 Exhibition at the National Art Center, Tokyo.
A winner of the Mitsubishi Art Gate Program.
Advertisement illustration for BookOff USA
Elected as board member of the Tamabi New York Club
iPhone application, "Yum Maracas".
iPhone application, "Yum Pop'Em".
Parsons The New School for Design, Completion of graphic design program.
12/2〜12/19 NY Coo Gallery, “An Exhibition of Selected Works” New York City.
Yomi-Times, Studio Yumi products selected for "Best Christmas Gifts 2009"
iPhone application, "Yum Christmas Countdown"
iPhone application, "Yum Valentine's Countdown"

Picture Book Award: "Happy Adventure"
27th Crepos Selection Award: "Midnight Flower"
iPhone application, "Yum Skateboard"

1/4 - 1/22 NY Coo Gallery The 6th HAFH Exhibition -Emaki for Tomorrow- New York City.
Japan Relief Fund Logo design for the Japan Medical Society of America.



東京都美術館、汎美術展コンクールで作品 「細胞」、「SUPER STAR」、「ELECTRIC FLOWER」が入賞。
在学中、テレビ東京ASAYANの「ラッパーオーディション」優勝。芸名「ラム」で姉妹ラッパーのユニット「Heartsdales」結成。デビュー曲「So Tell Me」オリコン初登場6位。CDイラスト、ライブ映像、ステージ用のバボットなどをデザイン。楽曲制作及びファッションなどをセルフプロデュース。

DoCoMo、au、Vodafone の携帯サイトでオリジナルキャラクター「Bubbledale」の四コマ漫画を毎週配信。

多摩美術大学卒業。卒業作品に絵本「I'm Happy」を制作。

再びニューヨークに戻り、STUDIO YUMIを立ち上げ、活動の場を広める。
Studio Yumi のブログ開始

Chopsticks NY 広告イラスト。

10/4 - 11/30 Soho Facial Index Gallery。
iPhone アプリケーション「Yum」シリーズ開始。
iPhone アプリケーション「Yum Memory」
iPhone アプリケーション「Yum Phone」
iPhone アプリケーション「Yum Balloon」

3/4 - 3/16 国立新美術館 汎美展。
Tokyo Mitsubishi Art Gate Program 入賞。
Book off USA 広告イラスト。
iPhone アプリケーション「Yum Maracas」
iPhone アプリケーション「Yum Pop'em」
Parsons The New School for Design, Graphic design program 修了
12/2〜12/19 NY Coo Gallery, “An Exhibition of Selected Works”
Yomi-Times, "ベストクリスマスギフト2009" にStudio Yumiグッズが選ばれる
iPhone アプリケーション「Yum Christmas Countdown」
iPhone アプリケーション「Yum Valentines Countdown」

「ぽかぽか絵本」コンテスト 「Happy Adventure」 優秀賞
27th Crepos Selection 「Midnight Flower」入賞
iPhone アプリケーション「Yum Skateboard」

1/4 - 1/22 NY Coo Gallery, The 6th HAFH Exhibition 「明日への絵巻」
Japan Medical Society of America Japan Relief Fundロゴデザイン